Contact the office if you have a suggestion for a resource.
At the Parish
Sunday Sermons
Sundays at 6:30 PM
Hear one of our clergy teach for 20 minutes about a topic of the Faith, followed by adoration and benediction. Bringing a Bible is encouraged.
See the home page for upcoming topics.
Chapel Library
Back right of the chapel, next to the confessional
Read Scripture, prayers, spiritual works from the saints, and lives of the saints when you come for confession or adoration. Yet another reason to spend time in adoration at least weekly.
For book or monetary donations to the library, contact the Young Ladies Sodality of Our Lady of Sorrows and St. Agnes. Book donations must be first approved.
Online formation platform provided by the parish
When prompted, enter St. Joseph Waxahachie as your parish.
Print books
Most of these books are available in the chapel library.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Baltimore Catechism
Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales
Magnificat (monthly booklet to follow along with the Mass and daily Scripture readings)
Word on Fire’s Liturgy of the Hours (monthly booklet to pray the Liturgy of the Hours)
1140 AM/850 AM Guadalupe Radio Network
English: KATH 1140 AM (also 910 AM Frisco)
Spanish: KJON 850 AM
1440 AM Relevant Radio
KEXB 1440 AM
Sirius 129 Catholic Channel
Catholic Channel on Sirius XM
Podcasts and YouTube
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Join Fr. Mike Schmitz as he reads the whole of Sacred Scripture over the course of 365 days and provides insights into the Word of God.
You do not need to wait for New Years to start, and you do not need to rush to finish it within a calendar year.
The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Join Fr. Mike Schmitz as he reads the whole of Catechism of John Paul II over the course of 365 days and provides insights into the teachings of Christ handed down by the Catholic Church.
You do not need to wait for New Years to start, and you do not need to rush to finish it within a calendar year.
Fr. Mike Schmitz’s Videos
Weekly bits from Fr. Mike Schmitz discussing a topic in under 10 minutes.
The Counsel of Trent
Catholic Answers apologist Trent Horn explains various points of the Catholic Faith, and engages with various non-Catholics to show how Catholicism is the true Faith. A great show for those wanting to learn more about apologetics and defending the Faith.
This podcast does tackle some of the filth that is sadly promoted by secular culture, so not all episodes are appropriate for children.
That’s the Word with Fr. James Yamauchi
Fr. James Yamauchi tells a short true story in the style of Paul Harvey.
Apps and Websites
Daily Scripture Readings
Pray More Novenas
Often it is hard to remember to pray the novena prayers every day for 9 days. This website lets you put in your email for a specific novena, and it will email you each day of the novena with the novena prayers.
App for following the Mass and Liturgy of the Hours daily.
Exodus 90
Spiritual exercise for men to remove unhealthy attachments and grow in devotion to Our Blessed Lord. The parish also organizes groups for Exodus for Lent.
Strive 21
A 21-day porn detox for those who struggle with pornography.
The Fruitful Hollow
The Fruitful Hollow is a Catholic resource and community for those who struggle with infertility. They publish weekly blog posts and create monthly resources.