Safe Environment

The Diocese of Dallas has created the Safe Environment Program and its requirements. All parish and school employees, ushers/greeters, and any volunteer serving children, youth, and vunerable adults must complete the diocesan Safe Environment Program and its annual training.

Please contact Deacon John Waedekin for more information.
(469) 810-0828

Reporting Abuse

If you suspect abuse of a minor has occurred, including sexual abuse:

  • Contact local law enforcement and contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services through the Texas Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400 or

  • If the allegation involves a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of a parish or the Diocese, in addition to contacting government authorities, please also notify Brenda Martinez, Victim's Assistance Coordinator at, 214-379-2812.

See also


New Adult Volunteers

Below are the required steps for volunteers required to complete the diocesan Safe Environment Program.

  1. Read the Diocesan Safe Environment Handbook and the Sexual Misconduct Policy. Please print and return the “Acknowledgement Form” on the last page of the Handbook.

  2. Complete and submit the online Screening Form – references must be non-family members who have known you at least 3 years.

  3. Attend a Safe Environment Sexual Abuse Awareness Training (Ministry Safe) class, which are offered periodically here at the parish; please check the church bulletin for dates and times or you may seek a Sexual Abuse Awareness Training (Ministry Safe) training at another parish in the Diocese of Dallas.

  4. Participate in a personal interview; this is available at the time of training here at the parish only on a first come first serve basis. Note: If attending Sexual Abuse Awareness Training (Ministry Safe) at another parish, you will not be allowed to have an interview at that parish, you must call the parish office to make an appointment for a face to face interview.

  5. Have a picture ID made. The pictures are taken at the time of training. You will receive your ID badge only after you have been screened and cleared.

A volunteer is not considered “cleared” until the safety officer has reviewed of the documentation, conducted the reference and criminal background checks and the volunteer is in possession of their ID badge.

If you have any questions, please contact the safe environment officer at (469) 810-0828 or

Renewing Safe Environment

The Diocese requires all volunteers who are required to be in the Safe Environment Program to fulfill their annual training to retain their “cleared” status. Your renewal date is on the front of your ID badge. You may update your training by visiting the Diocese of Dallas website and reviewing your Safe Environment record. If you have any questions, please contact the safe environment officer at (469) 810-0828 or

  1. Enter your first name, last name and home address and click “search”

  2. Your file will open and you may update your record

  3. If no changes – click “Update Information and Continue”

  4. You can view all of the training classes you have already taken by clicking on “View all online courses” and also view all of the training classes that are available to you

  5. Complete one (1) online course

  6. You must call the parish office to schedule an appointment to have a new picture taken for your ID badge, you will not be allowed to use previous picture.