Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden is a sign of our parish’s support for grieving parents. It is also a place for our parish to publicly proclaim the sanctity of life of all humans.
This memorial garden is a special place where parents, family and friends can remember unborn infants who have died from any cause. The Garden is a sign of our parish’s support for grieving parents. It is also a place for our parish to publicly proclaim the sanctity of life of all humans. This sacred burial space is dedicated to the belief that unborn children are human lives and souls who are created and loved by God. As Catholics, we recognize their dignity and the need to comfort their parents and family members.
Burial Services
Parents are invited to inter the cremated remains of their baby who has died before birth at a gestation age of 32 weeks or less in the garden circle. Cremation and burial are legally performed according to the Texas Administrative Code of the Department of Health Services. Please contact the parish office for more information about arrangements, registration forms, and services. Parents of deceased infants older than 32 weeks of gestation are requested to contact a funeral home for arrangements at another location.
Book of Remembrance
The Book of Remembrance is a collection of the names of babies who have died before birth from any cause. The names are engraved on metal pages and displayed at the entrance of the garden. Babies may be memorialized anonymously or by their family names.
Engraving forms are available at the parish office and a small fee is requested to cover the engraving cost.