Pregnant? Need help? Call 972-BABY-DUE
A compassionate counselor will assist you at any hour of the day. See the White Rose Women’s Center website.
St. Joseph’s Pro-Life Group promotes the teachings of the Catholic Church concerning the sanctity of life for all people. St. Joseph’s Pro-Life Group brings news, events, and services of the Catholic pro-life community, the diocesan Respect Life Ministry, to the parish.
The Catholic Pro-life Community has nine different ministries which offer services to the Dallas area parishes and communities. The seven ministries are: Project Gabriel, Youth for Life, Speakers Bureau, Healing After Abortion, Convert to Life Ministry, Hispanic Pastoral Ministry, and Community Outreach.
Project Gabriel is an outreach to women facing unexpected pregnancies. They partner with pregnancy resource centers, adoption agencies, and family assistance organizations to bring hope and healing to women in crisis.
They offer mothers-to-be:
confidential assistance through a pregnancy helpline at 469-602-HELP (4357) and online at
a caring friend and mentor called a Gabriel Angel, providing emotional support, practical resources, and spiritual guidance
an educational program, GEMS (Gabriel Education Ministry & Support), for Gabriel moms who are ready to learn and grow toward a more positive future
Youth for Life conducts youth activities about pro-life issues and provides educational presentations in schools and youth groups.
The CPLC Speakers Bureau provides education for schools and churches within the Diocese of Dallas, as well as the general public. Presentations are accurate, motivating, and in full accord with Catholic teaching.
The ministry called Healing After Abortion provides confidential counseling and conducts retreat programs for women and men suffering from the effects of a past abortion. Rachel’s Vineyard and Project Joseph retreats are held throughout the year in English and Spanish.
The Convert to Life Ministry is present to women and men in two ways: prayer and sidewalk counseling.
Sidewalk counselors are trained to offer loving alternatives to women and men coming to the facilities and to provide referrals for post-abortion healing to those leaving.
The Community Outreach Ministry has three primary public outreaches: Prayer, Parish Coordination, and Civic Action. By sponsoring various events throughout the year, providing opportunities for parish involvement, and informing voters about political issues related to pro-life teachings, this vital ministry has grown into thousands of Catholics and Christians from churches across North Texas committed to the “path to life.”
The Hispanic Pastoral Ministry strives to educate the community on life issues through bilingual presenters and works through parishes to strengthen pro-life awareness and action.
St. Joseph’s Pro-Life Group Parish Events
In our parish, our group publicizes events of the ministries in the bulletin each week.
Our group participates in the Ellis County Life Chain each year on the first Sunday of October. Life Chain is one hour of silent prayer and public witness to end abortion and is an ecumenical event.
We also participate in Hike for Life, which is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and raises money for Catholic pregnancy assistance centers in our area.
St. Joseph’s Pro-Life Group has a booth at Oktoberfest in the fall.
We meet each month in our parish, and we learn about pro-life ministries, issues, and events at the meetings. We discuss Church documents like the Gospel of Life, and we volunteer in whatever way we can to bring a pro-life way of life to our parish and community.
Our Pro-life Group also maintains and keeps records for Our Lady of Sorrows Memorial Garden, which offers burial of infants who die before birth and keeps a Book of Remembrance containing engraved names of infants who died before birth. The purpose of the Memorial Garden is to proclaim the sanctity of life of the unborn, regardless of age or condition, and to promote the healing of those who mourn them.
Please join us at our monthly meetings or at our events in the parish. See the bulletin for announcements and call the parish office for more information.
See the website of the Catholic Pro-Life Community of North Texas at and the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops at
Project Gabriel
Working in conjunction with the Catholic Pro-Life Community’s Project Gabriel, St. Joseph helps pregnant mothers and their babies.
Are you pregnant and need help? Are you unprepared for your pregnancy?
Are you considering your options? Project Gabriel and St. Joseph can help.
We are a ministry of the Catholic Church, and we believe that you and your baby are loved by God. We see the birth of each baby as the fresh expression of God’s constant love.
We are willing to assist you immediately with the only condition being that you choose life for your baby. We can help you with basic needs, and we can help you find other resources. We can help you choose to parent or to choose adoption for your baby.
Whether you are single or married, Project Gabriel offers assistance to you and your family. We offer help to you to continue your pregnancy, and we will help you until your baby’s birth and beyond. We accept girls and women of any age, race, religion, or nationality. We accept mothers who have other children as well. We can help mothers with children up to age 2.
Services: Project Gabriel at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church can give help for pregnant women with:
Emotional support
Social service referral information;
Pro-life medical care referrals for mother and baby;
Baby clothing, blankets, baby care products, diapers for children up to 2 years old;
Sources for obtaining car seats, baby furniture and equipment;
Information about maternity homes and adoption agencies;
Pastoral care and counseling;
Classes for mothers on life skills.
Get help from Project Gabriel.
Call 214-466-9769 or text “options” to 24365.
Project Gabriel is a ministry of the Catholic Pro-life Community of North Texas.
Holy Family Helpers
Holy Family Helpers is a new organization forming in our parish to supply some basic needs for mothers and families. If you are a parent or caregiver and you need basic diapering supplies for your baby, disabled child, or elderly relative whom you care for, contact the Church Office. You will be asked to complete a request list, and you will be contacted by an organization in our parish to fulfill your request for diapering supplies.